New video download
Since some of you asked for a longer version of the light projection video, here's a new quicktime in better quality for you to download. [.zip / 6.1megs].
Audio: «Shish» by Chronomad taken from «Sokut»
Audio: «Shish» by Chronomad taken from «Sokut»
«We have, therefore, in colour, as in music, both discord and harmony, wide in their scope and mutually dependent. We can in both produce series and sequences of harmonies differing in their degree of pleasantness. We can change them into discords and resolve them again into harmonies, we can, in fact, use colour as we use musical sounds.»
A. Wallace Rimington
A gallery with a few of our favorite images from today's shooting is now up for viewing.
I might also add that we have got a little contest for you to ease the pain of commenting. The reader with the most commments at the end of this project will receive a super-duper present including all developed products and maybe a few things more*… . The winner will be announced in mid-june.
So register a username, and you might get the chance to win some stuff.
Cheers and night night!